Monday, April 30, 2012

Reflection (On My Publishing Process)

This is a reflection about the process of publishing for my class "writing for publication".

From the assignments we were asked to create for this class, I chose the article on holistic healthcare for submission . I had a lot of fun writing that piece. It is a very short article in general but I believe, that I managed to give a lot of useful information about what holistic healthcare really is. I titled my article "Holistic Healthcare In A Nutshell" because that is truly what it is. A short summary trying to fit in all past, present and future, with all the branches holistic health care offers. This article is definitely suited for those who are in a hurry and want to have a quick understanding about this topic.

Looking through several online publishers, I decided to go with My reasons for choosing this online publishing site was simple; they accept inexperienced writers and their interface is very easy to navigate through, with a very simple sign up process. Not to mention, it is a free service.

I once submitted an article online and in print about PROM "What is PROM?" The print publication was a magazine called Sidelines (Publication from for mothers-to-be with high risk pregnancies)  and online I submitted it to Helium. I remember when it was published, I got a copy in the mail and when I saw my article I felt pride. The sidelines magazine helped me though a difficult time and I knew that some moms will be happy to read my article and have the hope they need so desperately.

Upon submitting this article, which I mainly wrote for this class, I feel proud once again. It is a great topic that might be new to some people who never have thought to help their bodies and minds with other means than medication. With that said, I would be very thrilled, if my article was going to lead someone to better health.

I would love to continue to write and hopefully submit more creations for publication. Writing, to me, gives a sense of accomplishment and a great purpose, and that will be a good reason for me to continue doing it.

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